We have developed a program of measures aimed at increasing the sales of accessories and collections at retail and prepared it for their implementation.
Starting position and objective
- The accessory sales performance of the markets is heterogeneous at both wholesale and retail levels
- Among other things, the megatrend of individualization reveals unexploited market potential in the accessories and collection sector
- Development of measures for the professionalization of the accessories and collection business at all distribution levels
- Implementation of a 360 ° analysis with consideration of competition, market environment, customers, processes, experts and current initiatives
- Derivation of potentials and levers from gained knowledge
- Creation of action catalogs based on the Marketing Mix for the sales levels retail and HQ
- Verification of the acceptance of defined measures by qualitative dealer interviews
- Content development of defined measures
- Creation of a KPI cockpit to measure the success of the pilot phase at the retailer and overall pilot level
- Pilot concept for the implementation of measures in retail
- Checklist and KPI cockpit for piloting
- Prioritized profiles for implementation of measures at HQ level