Development of target process After-Sales

Together with our customer, we have set up a new process design for the future-oriented creation of after-sales processes in automotive retail.Initial situation and objectives Integration and role of the process architects regarding requirement ascertainment […]

Further development of retail processes

Considering new sales initiatives and multi-channel requirements, we have further developed the retail processes of our customer with a focus on sales.Initial situation and objectives Need for further development due to increasing complexity in retail, […]

Definition of a marketing and sales concept

We identified new market segments and defined a marketing and sales concept for an automotive supplier of communication components and systems.Initial situation and objectives Medium-sized automotive supplier in the market for communication components and systems […]

PMO in the merger of cable network operators

As part of a project management office, we supported the merger of cable network operators and successfully implemented the merger of the companies within the set timeframe.Initial situation and objectives The acquisition of a cable […]

Optimization of pre-sales processes

By optimizing pre-sales business processes at a cable network operator, we were able to reduce the processing period and increase customer satisfaction.Starting position and objective Complicated processes and responsibilities between pre-sales departments lead to unacceptably […]

Optimization of core processes

In the run-up to the merger of two network-bound media service providers, we optimized the core processes.Initial situation and objectives In the context of the merger of two companies in the media industry, the actual […]

Business expansion in the steel industry

We analyzed new business areas and brokered concrete sales leadsfor a steel company.Initial situation and objectives A company with core competencies in forging and further processing of unalloyed and alloyed steels plans to expand its […]

Optimization of project portfolio management

In order to make the project portfolio management of a financial service provider more efficient, we optimized processes and supported them with the help of individualized software.Initial situation and objectives Portfolio management serves the overall […]

Realignment of spare parts business

We analysed the spare parts business of a German, internationally active automobile manufacturer, evaluated it against selected KPIs and realigned it.Initial situation and objectives The market for Classic vehicles and the corresponding spare parts business […]

Development of trade fair concept

We have developed an innovative trade fair concept for our customers from the telecommunications industry.Initial situation and objectives Development of a new trade fair concept for a telecommunications company Approach Identification of success factors at […]

Reorganization of sales

We created a blueprint with the aim of harmonizing the sales structures across divisions and markets and implemented it for two regional concepts.Initial situation and objectives As part of a Group-wide initiative, the sales structures […]

Rollout of a standardized workshop process

For an automobile manufacturer, we successfully rolled out a standardized workshop process in eleven European countries.Initial situation and objectives For the workshops of an international automobile manufacturer, a standard process was developed to standardize the […]

Market launch of a product innovation

We supported the introduction of a product innovation in the field of home entertainment by providing multi-country, multi-year project management.Initial situation and objectives A product innovation for the home entertainment sector that had already been […]

Market launch of e-bikes

We have developed a product and service strategy as well as a marketing and sales concept for the market launch of e-bikes.Initial situation and objectives A vehicle manufacturer is planning the market launch of e-bikes […]

Establishment of a consistent portfolio management system

Following a merger of three cable network operators, we established a consistent process for evaluating and prioritizing projects in order to optimize project selection and implementation.Initial situation and objectives After the consolidation of three cable […]

IT contract migration

As part of an M&A for a nationwide cable network operator, the multi-user contracts were completely migrated to the CRM and billing systems.Initial situation and objectives After an M&A at a nationwide cable network operator, […]

New workshop format for older vehicles

For an automobile manufacturer, we developed a concept for a new workshop format for older vehicles and rolled it out in 20 markets.Initial situation and objectives Development and rollout of a workshop format to increase […]

Package pricing at After-Sales

We have developed a practical guide for monitoring competition and finding appropriate package prices for the dealers of a German automotive manufacturer.Initial situation and objectives Decreasing customer loyalty with regard to maintenance and repair volumes […]

Development of a market development strategy

For a German tool manufacturer, we developed a market development strategy and identified trends and potentials.Initial situation and objectives Tool manufacturers from the crimp technology sector with high innovation and quality standards Identification of new […]

Introduction of a Wifi network

We prepared business specifications for the comprehensive introduction of a Wi-Fi network in the footprint of a cable network operator. These served as input for the final implementation.Initial situation and objectives For the comprehensive introduction […]

Churn Management

By analysing trends and patterns, we were able to identify customers who were willing to switch early on and reduce the cancellation rate with special offers.Initial situation and objectives Reduction of the termination rate and […]

Business segment strategies for O2–electrolysis

For a special electrolysis technology for the radical production of O2/O3, we have developed business field strategies for various applications.Initial situation and objectives The client develops processes, technologies and electrolysis cells for the direct production […]

Strategic reorientation of a leading industry event

We have strategically and conceptually realigned a leading European industry event for a German trade association.Initial situation and objectives The project outlined below is based on the lack of cost recovery for a leading European […]

Tool support and development

At a German universal bank, we managed and developed a tool for project and portfolio management.Initial situation and objectives Within a project of the company Insignion, the customer was introduced with a tool for controlling […]

Market development strategy for an automotive supplier

We developed a strategy to address new market segments with existing technology and product know-how for an automotive supplier of electromechanical components and systems.Initial situation and objectives Medium-sized automotive supplier in the market for electromechanical […]

Process harmonization as part of business integration

As part of a company integration, we have analysed the processes of the customer processes, defined concrete change requirements and harmonized the processes of the companies to be integrated.Initial situation and objectives In preparation for […]

Strategic reorientation of the collection

For one of the world’s leading car manufacturers, we have accompanied the strategic realignment of the product portfolio.Initial situation and objectives Strong sales growth in the vehicle business offers great global growth potential in the […]

Professionalization of retail in Germany

Due to the professionalization of retails in Germany, we were able to intensify market development and secure our market position.Initial situation and objectives Relevant competition is becoming increasingly aggressive, gaining market share in the core […]

Price adjustment for internet products

Price and product adaptation for Internet products at a German cable and telecommunications company.Initial situation and objectives In order to take account of the changed user behavior, the current product portfolio should be revised The […]

Process optimization along the customer journey

Through process optimization along the customer journey, we were able to increase customer satisfaction measurably.Initial situation and objectives Decreasing customer satisfaction and willingness to recommend new and existing customers Approach Analysis of existing processes and […]